
TA at University of Toronto

  • STA453: Mathematical Statistics II (2022 Winter)

  • STA452: Mathematical Statistics I (2022 Fall)

  • STA437: Methods for Multivariate Data (2018 Fall, 2019 Fall, 2020 Winter, 2023 Winter)

  • STA355: Theory of Statistical Practice (2021 Winter, 2022 Winter)

  • STA347: Probability (2020 Winter, 2021 Summer, 2022 Summer)

  • STA304: Surveys, Sampling and Observational Data (2021 Summer)

  • STA303: Methods of Data Analysis II (2020 Winter, 2020 Summer)

  • STA302: Methods of Data Analysis I (2020 Summer)

  • STA261: Probability and Statistics II (2017 Winter)

  • STA257: Probability and Statistics I (2018 Fall , 2021 Fall)

TA and mentoring at UC Berkeley

  • STAT 135: Concepts of Statistics (Winter 2018)

  • Statistics mentor for Direct Reading Project on Probably Approximately Correct(PAC) Learning,
    organized by Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley (Fall 2017).