Example 12.5.1

Correlations Between Measurements on life of residents


Variable     Measurement               1      2       3       4       5        6       7       8       9       10 \\
 1               City to live in                1  0.54  0.44  0.33  0.19 0.14 0.22  0.22  0.05   0 .33 \\
 2           Neighborhood                       1     .49    .28    .18     .14    .21    .19    .00     .32 \\
 3                      Housing                                 1    .29     .23     .19    .26    .27    .06    .24 \\
 4                 Life in USA                                          1     .12     .15    .23   .23    .06     .24        \\
 5                    Education                                                    1     .54    .25   .26    .18     .32          \\
 6         Useful Education                                                               1    .24   .23    .17     .24      \\
 7           Job Satisfaction                                                                        1   .33    .13     .35       \\
 8   Spending Spare Time                                                                               1     .21     .37  \\
 9                         Health                                                                                          1     .17      \\

10      Standard of Living                                                                                                  1    \\
11 Saving and Investments      \\
12 Friends                   \\
13 Marriage                 \\
14 Family Life            \\
15 Life in General       \\

Variable  Measurement       11      12      13      14      15 \\ 
 1             City to live in     .25      .24    .14     .24     .28       \\
 2         Neighborhood     .23      .19    .13     .19     .23   \\
 3                     Housing     .29      .23    .21     .23    .30 \\
 4               Life in USA     .19       .21   .13      .21   .24       \\
 5                  Education     .28      .16    .09     .18    .28         \\
 6       Useful Education      .20      .17    .12     .18    .24      \\
 7         Job Satisfaction      .27      .25    .25     .27    .43       \\
 8 Spending Spare Time     .32       .40   .30      .40   .50  \\
 9                       Health      .17       .09   .12     .14    .26      \\
10    Standard of Living      .59       .25    .25     .32   .45          \\
11 Saving and Investments   1        .24    .23     .25   .36      \\
12                     Friends                    1     .21     .31   .32         \\
13                  Marriage                               1    .48    .38         \\
14               Family Life                                        1    .50        \\
15          Life in General                                                1     \\